Anaesthesia Clinical Officer

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)



Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is a non-profit, independent international humanitarian organization committed to delivering medical aid to populations facing crises, with a steadfast commitment to impartiality and without regard to race, religion, creed, or political affiliation. In Malawi, MSF collaborates closely with the Ministry of Health and the local community, particularly in the Cervical Cancer project in the Blantyre and Chiradzulu districts, as well as the CBO Project in Zalewa and Dedza District.

MSFF is looking for its Blantyre Cervical Cancer Project Office:

Anaesthesia Clinical Officer (Part Time)

Workplace                 :       Blantyre

Type of contract :           Contract Service Agreement

Start date                     :    April 2025

Main purpose of the position

Organize and carry out anaesthetic medical activities under the supervision/guidance of an anaesthetist doctor/nurse (if any) and according to MSF policies, protocols and universal hygiene standards and in close collaboration with the surgeon and other medical staff, to ensure the quality of pre, intra, and post-operative care of all patients.

Job Summary

  • Performing preoperative consultations to patients, evaluating of the risks of operating (in collaboration with the surgeon), obtaining patient’s written authorization for their operation, providing patients with appropriate information on their illness and treatments, and deciding on what type of anaesthetics to be used
  • According to set procedures, carrying out all nursing anaesthetics related activities during surgery in order to collaborate in patient’s adequate anaesthetized state and safety during the process. Preparing the drugs, material, and equipment required for the surgery. Monitoring patients throughout the whole intervention and administering and maintaining anaesthetics following the rules of hygiene and asepsis in force.
  • Providing post-operative care, including immediate post-operative surveillance in the recovery room and special patients present in the HDU, to adapt the prescriptions, with special focus on patient’s pain relief, during the stabilization and recovery process. Does round consultations with the Surgeon Doctor once or twice a day, discussing therapeutic orientations with the department manager, renewing prescriptions and ensuring they are followed. Systematically evaluating patients’ pain to adapt prescriptions and/or therapies for their relief.
  • Respecting, promoting and ensuring medical confidentiality and implementing and following hygiene rules, procedures and protocols always as well as looking after the integrity of anaesthesia material (decontamination, sterilization, storage conditions, etc.) and other equipment, in order to ensure the safety and protection of patients and other staff. Knowing accidental blood exposure policy and procedure and implementing them when necessary.
  • Ensuring that all staff using medical devices are qualified and trained. Ensuring cleaning and minor maintenance tasks are performed according to the protocols. Reporting any malfunction to the project biomedical service.
  • Carrying out all pharmacy related activities (stock control, inventories, orders, expired drugs, etc.) and other equipment of anaesthetic ward, doing special follow-up of narcotics and sedatives (register, consumptions, empty phials, etc.), ensuring enough stock-up and the good functioning to carry-out the medical activities. Drawing up pharmacy orders according to needs.
  • Carrying out administrative procedures and documents (fill in of patients’ files, forms, statistics, data base, etc.), to have updated and correct information about the day-to-day activities.
  • In collaboration with the Surgeon Doctor, carrying out quantitative surgical-anaesthesia data collection, drawing up and sending out reports for the monthly follow up of peri-surgical mortality, for the quality of anaesthesia/pain management and informing the direct supervisor immediately in the event of medical error.
  • Participate in case/file studies when needed and in roster as required.

 Specific Accountabilities

  • Delivering anaesthesia care to all emergency and elective cases according to MSF protocols and hygiene standards. Clean, organize and ensure that anesthetic trolley is checked before and refilled after each surgery.
  • Ensures that patients in the recovery room are stable as per protocol before transferring to the appropriate ward.
  • Supervising and training the national diploma anesthesia students (if any).
  • Accountable for the medical management of patients in the HDU/ICU in the IPD ward.
  • Maintain the close collaboration with the MoH anesthetist department.
  • Participate in the team meetings, MDT and other meeting related to his responsibilities.
  • Maintain close collaboration with the IPD nursing team and the other department.


Education      Clinical Officer Diploma with specialization as Anesthetic Clinical Officer and registered with the Malawi Medical Council
  • Essential 2 years of previous work experience as a clinical officer
  • Essential 1-year specialized work experience as Anesthesia Clinical Officer with HDU/ICU management
  • Experience in other NGO’s as Anesthesia Clinical Officer is an asset
Languages  English and Chichewa essential
Competencies Commitment to MSF principles, Teamwork and cooperation, Behavioural Flexibility, Results, and Quality Oriented, and Stress Management

How to Apply

Applicants meeting the requirements are encouraged to send their Cover Letter, Updated CV, ID Copy, and relevant certificates, in Pdf or word format to The Human Resources Manager, Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) France through email

Please use the subject line “Anaesthesia Clinical Officer – Your Full Name.” Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered. Indicate only the Position and Your Full Name as the Subject Line of the email.

Closing date for receiving applications is Monday Thursday 27th March 2025 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

MSF is an equal opportunity employer: all applicants will be equally considered under the same criteria and expectations. MSF does not charge any application/recruitment or training fees: if ever you are requested to pay any amount to process your application or access employment with MSF, do not pay and please inform the MSF administration on email: as soon as possible.