Welcome to Careers Consulting Limited’s blog. Here you will find the latest updates within the labour market in Malawi as well as our recent consulting assignments.

March-April 2024

Awarded a contract to facilitate the recruitment for multiple position for Family Health Services (FHS) formerly PSI Malawi

January 2024

Recruitment of Accountant for James Finlay Blantyre Limited.

October – December 2023

Administered aptitude tests for various internship positions for Illovo Sugar Malawi Dwangwa Estate.

March 2023

Careers Consulting Limited is proud to have facilitated the recruitment of General Manager for James Finlay Blantyre Limited. James Finlay is a multinational conglomerate involved in the tea and confectionery industry. We wish the successful candidate the best in his new role.

September 2022

Our Lead Consultant was contracted to develop an Asset Management Policy for Malawi Research and Education Network (MAREN).

August 2022

Careers Consulting Limited was awarded a contract to undertake a remuneration survey for R4H (formerly Riders for Health). Assignment was undertaken and submitted within time.

January – August 2022

Our Consultant was hired by the Public Private Partnership Commission (PPPC) to develop a Human Resources Manual, a Performance Management System and a Salary Structure for the Malawi Research and Education Network (MAREN) under the World Bank funded Digital Malawi Program Phase I: Malawi Digital Foundations Project.

March-June 2022

Careers Consulting Limited rendered in-house leadership and management training for staff at Lighthouse Trust, in Lilongwe. Training sessions were facilitated by Dr. Matthews Mtumbuka, Mr. Humphreys Gunchi and Mr. Francis Chasimpha.

March-June 2022

Careers Consulting Limited rendered in-house leadership and management training for staff at Lighthouse Trust, in Lilongwe. Training sessions were facilitated by Dr. Matthews Mtumbuka, Mr. Humphreys Gunchi and Mr. Francis Chasimpha.

January, 2020

CareersMW continues to grow and is privileged to be pre-qualified as a referencing agent for Old Mutual, Malawi for 2020 and 2021. Since 2017, CareersMW has partnered with Managed Integrity Evaluation (MIE), a leading referencing services provider within the Southern Africa region. We have been able to assist employers confirm the credentials of their prospective employees. For 2019, we were able to identify more than 10 fake driving licences and more than 8 fake MSCEs.

Talk to us and we will gladly assist. We are on +265 (0) 99 289 7718, +265 (0) 88 309 8452, info@careersmw.com

May 2019

CareersMW is proud to announce that one of its consultants was part of the process that resulted in the appointment of Dr. Matthews Mtumbuka as Chief Executive Officer for the UbuntuNet Alliance, a position Dr. Mtumbuka assumed on 1st May, 2019. He is the first Malawian to head the organization. You may read more here

We would like to congratulate Dr. Mtumbuka on his appointment and wish him well in the position. We take pride in his success.

May 2019

Careers Consulting Ltd as an HR Consultancy firm was awarded a contract to develop a Human Resources Manual, a Performance Management System and salary structure for UbuntuNet Alliance. UbuntuNet Alliance is a regional National Research and Education Network (NREN) as a specialised internet service provider dedicated to supporting the needs of the research and education communities within Eastern and Southern Africa.