Procurement Reference Number : MU/IPDC/01/25
Issue Date: 12th February, 2025
1. Mzuzu University has a premise within its Luwinga Campus to be used for the provision of tuck-shop services.
2. Mzuzu University now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Provision of Tuck-shop Services.
3. Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the National Competitive Bidding Procedures contained in the Government of Malawi’s Public Procurement Act of 2017 and is open to all eligible bidders.
4. Bidders may obtain further information from; The Secretary, Internal Procurement and Disposal Committee (IPDC), Mzuzu University in writing using the following email: and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM from Monday to Friday.
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders from the address shown at 7(a) below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of K10,000.00. The method of payment will be cash deposited in the following bank account:
a) Account Name: Mzuzu University Revenue Account
b) Account Number: 630168
c) Bank: National Bank- Mzuzu Branch
6 Bids must be delivered at the address shown at 7(b) below at or before 14:00 hours on 12th March, 2025. Late bids shall be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidder’s representatives who choose to attend at the address shown at 7(c) below at 14:00 hours on 12th March, 2025.
7 a) Bids may be collected at The Secretary, Internal Procurement and Disposal Committee (IPDC), Mzuzu University, Private Bag 201, Luwinga, Mzuzu 2. (Procurement and Disposal Unit – House Number 21)
(b) Bids must strictly be deposited in the Tender Box placed at the Reception in the Administration Block at Mzuzu University Campus.
(c) Bid opening will take place in the Mzuzu University Boardroom at Mzuzu University, Private Bag 201, Luwinga, Mzuzu 2.
8 Sealed bids clearly marked “Provision of Tuck-shop Services” should be addressed to:
The Chairperson,
Internal Procurement and Disposal Committee (IPDC),
Mzuzu University,
Private Bag 201,
Post expires at 2:00pm on Wednesday March 12th, 2025