Online Payment
Payment for our services (subscription and job advertisement) can be made online using your debit/credit card or mobile money (Airtel Money or Mpamba) on the following links
Job Posting
Unfeatured/Unpinned | Featured/Pinned |
7-Day Unpinned/Unfeatured Listing (MK46,600.00) | 7-Day Featured/Pinned Listing (MK104,850.00) |
14-day Unpinned/Unfeatured Listing (MK81,550.00) | 14-Day Pinned/Featured Listing (MK174,750.00) |
30-Day Unpinned/Unfeatured Listing (MK139,500.00) | 30-Day Pinned/Featured Listing (MK349,500.00) |
Jobs/Tenders Subscriptions
1. Gold Monthly: (MK8,000.00)
2. Gold Annual: (MK80,000.00)
3. Silver Monthly: (MK2,000.00)
4. Silver Annual: (MK20,000.00)
Offline Bank Transfers/Deposits
Bank and Branch | Account Number | Account Name | Account Type |
National Bank, (Capital City Branch) | 1005925114 | Careers Consulting Limited | Current |
Standard Bank (Lilongwe Branch) | 9100004419011 | Careers Consulting Limited | Current |
Mobile Money Payments
- TNM: You can also pay through TNM Mpamba on 088 309 8452.
- Dial *444#
- Select 1 for send money
- Select 1 for TNM Mpamba
- Select 1 for send to wallet then enter the phone number 088 309 8452.
- Airtel: Pay a fee through Airtel Money to Till Number 710300 as follows:
- Dial *211#
- Choose option 3 for Make Payment
- Choose option 4 for Buy Goods and Services
- Select 1 for Enter Till Number
- Enter till number 710300
- Enter amount
- Enter your pin number to confirm payment