Consultancy: Sector Skills Gap Analysis for the Agricultural Mechanisation Sector
  • Consultancy
  • Malawi
  • Applications have closed

British Council

SSA_Malawi_2024_Consultancy Services_Team of International and National Short-term Expert (ISTE/NSTE) / Conducting a Sector Skills Gap Analysis for the Agricultural Mechanisation Sector in Malawi.
SSA_Malawi_2024_Consultancy Services_Team of International and National Short-term Expert (ISTE/NSTE) / Conducting a Sector Skills Gap Analysis for the Agricultural Mechanisation Sector in Malawi.
The Zantchito Skills for Jobs Project is supporting the Ministry of Labour (MoL) and the Technical and Entrepreneurial Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA) to establish four sector-specific Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs), These sectors were selected based on Malawi Vision 2063 priorities. To further develop these sectors in terms of skills needs the future and for effective skills planning, the project is seeking to contract a team of international and national short-term experts to conduct sector skills gaps based on the ILO Rapid Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) methodology. This ToRs focuses on the Agricultural Mechanisation sector in Malawi for which the analysis will be conducted.

Specific Objective of this Assignment

Under Specific Objective 1 of the project, the primary objective of this assignment is to conduct a skills gap analysis of the Agricultural Mechanisation sector utilizing the ILO Rapid Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) methodology. The sector skills gaps analysis aims to identify the skills development gaps within the sector and to recommend strategies for addressing these gaps. The assessment will contribute to the development of a skilled workforce that can support the growth of the Agricultural Mechanisation sector and contribute to the country’s sustainable development goals.

The assessment for the Agricultural Mechanisation sector in Malawi further aims to:

• To identify the current and future skills needs within the Agricultural Mechanisation sector in Malawi.
• To assess the existing skills supply and the capacity of the education and training system to meet the skills needs of the sector.
• To analyse the impact of technological advancements and market trends on the skills requirements within the Agricultural Mechanisation sector.
• To recommend strategies for addressing skills development gaps and for building a skilled and adaptable workforce within the Agricultural Mechanisation sector.

Scope of Work:

The team of experts (both National and International) will coordinate with the TA Team Leader, Deputy Team Leader, and national stakeholders to develop a workplan for the duration of the assignment, to include, but not be limited to, the following activities:

• Conducting a desk review of existing data/statistics, literature, policies, and reports related to the Agricultural Mechanisation sector and skills development in Malawi.
• Adapt the Rapid STED methodology through the following stages:
o Stage 1: Sector position and outlook
o Stage 2: Business capacity implications
o Stage 3: Types of skills needed?
o Stage 4: Number of workers by skill type
o Stage 5: Skills supply gap
o Stage 6: Proposed responses to the sector needs
• In a combination of strategic analysis and social dialogue engage with relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, industry associations, education and training institutions, and employers within the Agricultural Mechanisation sector.
• Adapting a holistic and strategic focus on skills, identify and analyse the specific skills needs and gaps within different sub-sectors of the Agricultural Mechanisation sector including different types of mechanization and technology.
• Assessing the capacity and effectiveness of the technical education and vocational training system in Malawi to provide the required skills for the Agricultural Mechanisation sector.
• Identifying emerging trends and technologies within the Agricultural Mechanisation sector and their implications for skills development.
• Assess the entrepreneurial potential for TEVET graduates in the Agricultural Mechanisation sector.
• Developing a set of actionable recommendations for addressing skills development gaps and enhancing the capacity of the technical education and vocational training system to meet the needs of the Agricultural Mechanisation sector.


The team of experts will be responsible for delivering the following:

a. An inception report outlining the methodology, work plan, and data collection tools for the assessment.
b. A draft report presenting the findings of the Rapid STED assessment, including skills needs analysis, skills supply assessment, and recommendations for addressing skills development gaps.
c. A final report incorporating feedback received on the draft report and presenting the finalized findings and recommendations of the assessment.;;
Required experience and qualifications: The ISTE (10 days) should possess the following expertise and qualifications: • Relevant degree or equivalent experience in a subject relevant to the assignment (Education, Business Administration, Human Resource Development, Organizational Development TVET, Management, Economics, Research, Labour Markets); • Over 10 years’ international experience of working (outside Malawi) in the training field and supporting institutions identifying and addressing skills gaps. • Significant experience of working with senior executives and decision and a proven track record in conducting organisation-wide training needs assessments. • Knowledge of the ILO STED methodology. • Experience in the Agricultural Mechanisation sector. • Experience in engaging with senior government stakeholders, private sector leaders and evidence of strong relationship building skills. • Previous experience in Malawi or similar context including familiarity with transition countries is an advantage. • Strong training, coaching, mentoring and facilitation skills. • Excellent written and spoken English. • Strong analytical ability. • Strong communication and report-writing skills. The NSTE (15 days) should possess the following expertise and qualifications: • Relevant degree or equivalent experience in a subject relevant to the assignment (Education, TVET, HR Management, Business Admiration, Management, Economics, Research, Labour Markets); • Over 10 years’ experience of working in the in TVET and the training and development field. In Malawi • Proven track record in the different methodologies of skills analysis. • Experience in the Agricultural Mechanisation sector. • Significant experience of working with senior decision makers in TEVET in Malawi. • Strong training, coaching, mentoring and facilitation skills. • Experience in consultancy work with international development partners • Excellent written and spoken English. • Strong communication, presentation, and report-writing skills.
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