Centre for Development of People (CEDEP)

The Centre for Development of People (CEDEP), is a local non-government organization whose mission is to create, promote and protect an enabling legal and social environment for the full realization of the well-being of minorities.

CEDEP has set a budget for procurement of the following goods, services and works to support the implementation of different activities for the period from January 2024 to December 2025. The goods, services and works are to be supplied to its Head Office, Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mulanje, Zomba, Mangochi, Dedza, Salima, Kasungu, NkhataBay, Mzuzu, and Karonga Districts.

It is against this background that CEDEP invites eligible and reputable suppliers to submit their applications for pre-qualification in the following categories:

LOT No. Description Category Period
1 Supply and delivery of office stationery, tonners and related consumables CEDEP/STA/01 24 Months
2 Supply and delivery of ICT Equipment

a)     Desktop computers

b)     Laptops

c)     Printers

d)     Copiers

e)     Projector

f)      Computer accessories

g)     Computer maintenance and repairs

CEDEP/ICT/02 24 Months
3 Services

a)     Internet

b)     Medical Scheme

c)     Documentary

d)     Media

e)     Drama groups

f)      Road shows etc

CEDEP/SER/03 24 Months
4 Furniture

a)     Desks

b)     Chairs

c)     Shelves

CEDEP/FUR/04 24 Months
5 Construction and building materials CEDEP/CON/05 24 Months
6 Local Transport Services; 4×4 cars, saloon / Taxi, Lorries up to 15 tones vehicles CEDEP/TPT/06 24 Months
7 Repairs and maintenance services

a)     Motor vehicles

b)     Motorbikes

c)     ICT Equipment’s- computers/ copiers/ printers etc

CEDEP/REP/07 24 Months
8 Printing and promotional services

a)     IEC Materials

b)     ID Cards

c)     Booklets

d)     Leaflets

e)     Business Cards

f)      T Shirts and golf shirts

g)     Burners

h)     Sign posts

i)      Bill boards

j)      Protective wear

CEDEP/PP/08 24 Months
9 Maintenance of CEDEP Buildings / Offices

a)     Painting

b)     Water proofing

c)     Fumigation

d)     Plumbing

e)     Electrical installation

CEDEP/MAIN/9 24 Months
10 Supply and delivery of information dissemination equipment. E.g. Megaphones, amplifiers, loud speakers CEDEP/ID/10 24 Months
11 Provision of Courier Services. CEDEP/ CS/11 24 Months
12 Photocopying and printing services CEDEP/PPS/12 24 Months
13 Provision of insurance services (Vehicles, Equipment, Workers Compensation, Group Life, etc) CEDEP/INS/13 24 Months
14 Provision of Security Services CEDEP/SS/14 24 Months
15 Provision of Conference and Catering Services. CEDEP/CC/15 24 Months
16 Provision of Audit Services. CEDEP/AS/16 24 Months
17 Provision of Consultancy Services CEDEP/CS/17 24 Months

The following shall apply:

  1. Applicants may submit bids for more than one lot based on their capabilities and specialization; however separate application should be submitted for each lot for which a supplier / service provider is bidding.
  2. Pre-qualification will be done in accordance with open tendering procedures as contained in the Public Procurement Act and Regulations of the Republic of Malawi
  3. Interested suppliers are required to provide the following information to prove that they are qualified to supply items:
    1. Legal status of the bidder in accordance with the Laws of Malawi. This should include a copy of the Business Registration Certificate and / or Business License
    2. Tax Registration Certificate
    3. Tax Clearance Certificate for 2022 Financial Year
    4. Valid Registration Certificate from the Office of the Director of Public Procurement (ODPP)
    5. NCIC Certificate for those applying for lot No. 9
    6. Location of place of business, contact address, cell and fixed line number
    7. Evidence of experience for the past 3 years and details of clients who may be contacted for further information
    8. Authority to seek references from potential suppliers bankers
  4. Sealed expression of interest for pre-qualification clearly marked “pre-qualification of suppliers- 2024-2025” indicating the lot number and category applied should be addressed to:

The Chairperson
Internal Procurement Committee
P.O. Box 3251,

Mode of Delivery : Hand delivery at our Area 47, Sector 3 along Ng’ombekwawa Street, Lilongwe.

Closing date for submission of pre-qualification documents is Thursday, 14th December, 2023

CEDEP reserves the right to reject any and/or any of all applications and is not bound to accept any tender.