National Epidemiologist

Food and Agriculture Organization

Organizational Setting

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through the FAO Strategic Framework by supporting the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, for better production, better nutrition, a better environment, and a better life, leaving no one behind.

Through its Country Offices, or FAO Representations, FAO assists governments to develop policies, programmes and projects to address hunger and malnutrition, and provides technical support for the sustainable development of their agricultural, fisheries and forestry sectors. The activities of the FAO Country Offices include design and implementation of country-tailored field programmes, liaison with local donor representatives, and active public awareness-raising and outreach activities related to FAO initiatives such as the World Food Day.

Reporting Lines

Within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), the functional and administrative supervision of the FAO Representative in Malawi, the direct supervision of the ECTAD Country Team Leader in Malawi, the technical backstopping of the ECTAD Regional epidemiologist for Eastern and Southern Africa, in collaboration with ECTAD Malawi:

Technical Focus

The National Epidemiologist will ensure quality assurance of good agricultural practices in the implementation of the FAO ECTAD projects, through the design, implementation, and evaluation of surveillance and response systems for public health threats.

Tasks and responsibilities

The incumbent will specifically:

•    Contribute to the development/review of country strategies/emergency preparedness and response plans and/or program for the management of high impact priority zoonotic diseases (PZDs), as well as emerging and re-emerging zoonotic and non-zoonotic disease in line with the national priorities as defined by the country CPF and FAO’s Strategic plan 2022-31;
•    Design and coordinate implementation of surveillance activities relevant to PZDs as well as emerging and re-emerging zoonotic and non-zoonotic diseases, to mitigate the high (current/potential) impact of diseases in Malawi. These include:
–    Contribute to the preparation of program work plans and detailed implementation plans (DIPs);
–    Coordinate technical workshops to improve epidemiological activities/AH interventions the country targeting innovative approaches addressing national and regional priority diseases;
–    Facilitate and assist in the implementation of the recommendations of assessment missions of the national surveillance system (SET, EMT, JRA, etc.);
–    contribute to the development and implementation of (epidemiological protocols) in targeted livestock farming systems and relevant value chains;
–    Plan, organize and implement capacity development of in-service professionals using field epidemiology training and participatory epidemiology approaches targeting veterinarians, animal health technicians, community animal health workers, farmers, and where appropriate, public health or other stakeholders/partners;
–    Conduct risk assessments and supervise in-country expert missions on epidemiological missions to ensure the success of the mission/s
•    Support implementation of AMR/AMU surveillance activities in collaboration with National Coordinator for AMR;
•    Organize stakeholders’ meetings and lead the process for the development of animal health and related policy frameworks/instruments in Malawi;
•    In close consultation with relevant sectors and stakeholders support the operationalization of the epidemiological component of national OH platform aiming at multi-sectoral collaboration;
•    In close consultation with relevant sectors and stakeholders initiate the adoption and roll-out of In-Service Applied Veterinary Epidemiology Training (ISAVET) program Promote strong linkages of the ECTAD activities with the Ministries responsible for animal, public, and environmental health and other relevant Ministries and technical partners;
•    Provide regular updates of TADs epidemiology situation in the country, and prepare draft briefs / articles on technical accomplishments as needed including scientific publications in peer reviewed journals;
•    Coordinate surveillance activities with the laboratory counterparts to assure successful operationalization of the epi-lab network system-at the country and regional levels;
•    Participate in animal health emergency preparedness and contingency planning exercises, simulation exercises such as discussion (table-top etc.), and/or operational (field etc.) exercises;
•    Provide technical inputs the development of an electronic animal disease reporting system and sharing of information;
•    Assist in the organization of planned training workshops, simulation exercises, after action reviews and technical meetings;
•    Participate in weekly Regional ECTAD epi-lab coordinating calls, and contribute to epidemiological intelligence at National and Regional levels;
•    Provide technical inputs to the resource mobilization efforts, at the country and regional levels
•    Submit a final technical report upon completion of the assignment to the ECTAD Malawi Team Leader and the FAOR;
•    Perform other related duties as required.


Minimum Requirements

•    Master’s degree in the Veterinary Epidemiology
•    A degree in the field of Veterinary Medicine
•    Five years of relevant experience including data analysis, research and policy analysis and stakeholder engagements is cardinal.
•    Working knowledge of the English language [ie. spoken and written]
•    Should be a Malawian National

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